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Bill Williams River Corridor Steering Committee (BWRCSC)
The committee exists as a venue to address a wide range of matters. Whether a topic relates to the Army Corps' operation of their Alamo Dam facility, or in connection with issues associated with the City of Scottsdale's Planet Ranch property, the committee strives to produce solutions built on consensus and inclusivity. Most simply put, the purpose of the BWRCSC is to facilitate and foster the open communication of concerns, and to promote a commitment to good science. The BWRCSC member agencies have applied the most recent advancements in the river sciences to enhance our ability to tell the story of how human actions & decisions on the Bill Williams River impact the system's ecological resources. The committee's member agencies have funded and organized the collection of virtually all of the environmental information being acquired in the river system. The data collected serves to not only protect the system's natural resources, but also helps to better define other human concerns associated with the BWR. The BWRCSC has a firm commitment to adaptive management and acknowledges that only through a proportional commitment to gathering critical monitoring data can the goals of adaptive management be realized. The committee is fundamentally dedicated to maximizing the quality of information that decisions affecting the river will be based upon --- better information promotes better decisions.